Caroline delivers all lectures herself, Caroline oversees ALL the techniques and practicals, and Caroline manages all the clinical observations and participations herself - no substitutions here!

College of Non Musculoskeletal Osteopathy
The home of post graduate osteopathic education - restoring the osteopathic vision.
Founder and CEO Caroline Stone D.O.(Hons), MSc(Ost), MEd, MClinEd
Global Osteopathic and Interprofessional Community
Join us and enter a worldwide community of practitioners wanting the use or know more about osteopathic concepts in healthcare, and to enhance practice, enable interprofessional collaboration and to better help patients and those in need.
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Osteopathic and Functional Manual Medicine Education
Embodied, somatophysiological osteopathic care - continuing the legacy of Dr Still and Dr Littlejohn.
The CNMO, founded by Caroline Stone D.O.(Hons), MSc(Ost), MEd, MClinEd, focuses on osteopathic medicine approaches - and how hands on care, and the application of osteopathic principles may help a range of systemic, visceral and pathological problems, and help people suffering with a range of non musculoskeletal presentations improve their function and quality of life.
Why "Non Musculoskeletal"? Because Osteopathy is about health, using bodywork to support homeostasis and self-regulation, and engaging with physiological processes to help functional and emotional integration. Osteopathy is not a biomechanical science but a physiological one which uses somatic dynamics for health communication and restoration.
Why study with the college
engage • learn • grow

We focus on Advanced Level Courses
The CNMO Certificate and Diploma options will offer you an extensive programme, referenced and researched, evidence informed, reflective and professional, supporting interprofessional collaboration and communication, practical and applicable from the outset. Mentoring and tutor support is available throughout your programme.
Please note, CNMO qualifications do not infer practice rights, nor registration rights. You must ensure you are appropriately registered to deliver your form of healthcare, have insurance, and practice within your regulated scope.
The qualifications offered by the CNMO are internally validated, and are not part of the UK university credit system or accreditation system. The programme brochure gives more information, or please ask if you have questions.