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- Teacher: Caroline Stone
- Teacher: Clinic Account
- Teacher: Caroline Stone
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Первые официальные выходные в программе – 25 сентября с 10:00 до 13:00 по московскому времени.
Следующие выходные 10-11 октября, 10 утра-6 вечера оба дня.
- Teacher: Caroline Stone
- Teacher: CarolineStone Administrator
- Teacher: Mika Kivistö
- Teacher: Caroline Stone
This section contains all the resources, additional modules and assignments required for the certificate pathway.
- Teacher: Caroline Stone
- Teacher: Caroline Stone
- Teacher: Caroline Stone
- Teacher: Caroline Stone
- Teacher: Caroline Stone
- Teacher: Zoom Meetings
- Teacher: Caroline Stone
This is the first module for the Paeds PG Cert.
This work will occupy the first month, together with the learning module.
It focuses on the intra-uterine period,
the foetal environment
maternofoetal sensory dynamics
intrauterine moulding
- Teacher: Zoom Meetings
- Teacher: Caroline Stone
Covers in brief: birth dynamics
initial primitive reflexes
infant birth trauma
dynamic cranium
assessment of head
assessment of rest of infant
- Teacher: Zoom Meetings
- Teacher: Caroline Stone
This is the third month and covers in brief:
arousal and sleep
motor tone
communication and bonding
- Teacher: Zoom Meetings
- Teacher: Caroline Stone
This is the start of our second semester, and we will be focusing on:
infant pain
infant suck and latch
breastfeeding issues
tongue tie
Infant ‘colic’
visceral dynamics
- Teacher: Caroline Stone
Don't worry though, a lot of what is introduced now is directly relevant to older children and adolescents - so we are thinking ahead now too. This dynamics really helps us understand the issues move movement and development, which is of course the basis of the whole retained primitive reflex story for older children etc.
This module focuses on:
Head shapes,
moulded babies,
Torticollis and hips
Development of structure,
motor-sensory integration,
general assessment of MSS
- Teacher: Caroline Stone
This is a complex, and quite large module. It relates both to infants and toddlers but also, older children and adolescents. It is one of the key modules (together with the maturity and stability module from the previous semester). So, we will still be referring to it in the last semester, and it continues a story started in the first semester.
This is a module that will require quite a lot of time from you, so please make sure you don't rush this one!
It will focus on:
Sensory integration,
primitive and postural reflexes
Learning and development,
social and communication issues
- Teacher: Caroline Stone
Now we are moving into the thirst and final semester of the programme. We are also now focusing on older children, and how their ongoing development unfolds, and ca be challenged.
It focuses on:
Body changes over time.
The body cavities,
body image,
mental health
- Teacher: Caroline Stone
This is the last module with 'new' information. It brings us up to date with adolescents and older children, and considers issues for when they move forwards towards adulthood. It will revisit a number of issues from past modules, to show the continuum of development, function, maturity, homeostasis and allostatic challenges.
It will focus on:
Visceral dynamics
other broader issues.
- Teacher: Caroline Stone
This is our review module, and the focus is on you.
Do you need to revisit anything?
Have you outstanding questions?
Do you understand your tests / assessment requirements?
Have you done the revised learning needs analysis?
- Teacher: Caroline Stone
- Teacher: Zoom Meetings
- Teacher: Caroline Stone
This course focuses on the body cavities, visceral function, focus on urogenital issues, structure, hormones, autonomics and immunity
- Teacher: Caroline Stone
This focuses on "girls and adolescents", puberty, visceral dynamics in non pregnant patients, interoception, visceral pain, gut brain, microbiome, and immune dynamics.
This courses focuses on the female body, body image, overview of dysfunction and disorders affecting the non pregnant person.
- Teacher: Caroline Stone
This focuses on early fertility and infertility / subfertility; early pregnancy loss, issues for the first trimester, and osteopathic awareness and constructs around this time.
- Teacher: Caroline Stone
This module focuses on urogynaecological and pelvic problems, that are complex in nature, and require focused and careful integrative analysis.
It continues the dynamics for post partum care, but also recognises that many pathologies and their medical and surgical management leave consequences and problems for the women afterwards, and so this module also brings those scenarios into the mix.
Some of the dynamics here too, for pain management will also apply for cancer and breast care operations too, which are reviewed in the next module.
- Teacher: Caroline Stone
This module focuses on menopause, the older woman and issues for cancer care, and breast care issues (which obviously don't always relate to post menopausal women). Breastfeeding is covered in the previous semester.
- Teacher: Caroline Stone
- Teacher: Caroline Stone
- Teacher: Caroline Stone
- Teacher: Caroline Stone
- Teacher: Caroline Stone
- Teacher: Caroline Stone
- Teacher: Caroline Stone
- Teacher: Caroline Stone
- Teacher: Caroline Stone
- Teacher: Caroline Stone
- Teacher: Zoom Meetings
- Teacher: Caroline Stone
This course will focus on: Compartments and cavities, Coelum, serous fluids, embryology, Visceral dynamics, sliding surfaces' ligaments, pressures, and inter-relations
This course focuses on Innervation, autonomics, interoception, microbiome, gut-brain, heart-brain and endocrine immune dynamics.
- Teacher: Caroline Stone
CSF / peritoneal / pericardial / peritoneal fluids
- Teacher: Caroline Stone
- Teacher: Caroline Stone
- Teacher: Caroline Stone
- Teacher: Caroline Stone
- Teacher: Caroline Stone
- Teacher: Caroline Stone
- Teacher: Caroline Stone
- Teacher: Caroline Stone
- Teacher: Caroline Stone
- Teacher: Caroline Stone
- Teacher: Caroline Stone
- Teacher: Caroline Stone
- Teacher: Caroline Stone
- Teacher: Caroline Stone
- Teacher: Caroline Stone
- Teacher: Caroline Stone
- Teacher: Caroline Stone
- Teacher: Caroline Stone
- Teacher: Caroline Stone
- Teacher: Caroline Stone
- Teacher: Caroline Stone
- Teacher: Caroline Stone
- Teacher: Caroline Stone
- Teacher: Caroline Stone
- Teacher: Caroline Stone
This hosts all the meetings, their zoom links, recordings and places to pose questions, This runs the length of the whole programme / pathway.
- Teacher: Zoom Meetings
- Teacher: Caroline Stone
This emodule is to do with general learning approaches and helps orient you to the types of assessments in this programme.
If you wish to go on to the Diploma pathway, you must complete all the elements in this Certificate programme first.
It contains several compulsory elements, and is assessed.
You need to fill in your learning needs analysis, later a reflection of that towards the end of the programme, and complete a few other things which are described on the course page.
- Teacher: Zoom Meetings
- Teacher: Caroline Stone
This brings together aspects of modules 7-8-9..
You will be looking at this throughout the last three months, and this module continuous assessments should be done by the end of the ninth month.
- Teacher: Caroline Stone
This brings together aspects of modules 4-6.
You will be looking at this throughout the second three months, and this module continuous assessments should be done by the end of the sixth month.
- Teacher: Caroline Stone
This brings together aspects of modules 1-3.
You will be looking at this throughout the first three months, and this module continuous assessments should be done by the end of the third month.
It will focus on
“Considerations for general paediatric osteopathic practice in regard to common conditions oriented around the musculoskeletal system in younger babies”. Includes: Case history, role boundaries, red flags and risks relating to common paediatric conditions, and communication in paediatric osteopathic practice.
and will include the theory of practical assessments and techniques perspectives- Teacher: Zoom Meetings
- Teacher: Caroline Stone
This brings together aspects of modules 7-9.
You will be looking at this throughout the last three months, and this module continuous assessments should be done by the end of the last month.
It will focus on
“Considerations for general paediatric osteopathic practice in regard to common conditions oriented around the musculoskeletal system in younger babies”. Includes: Case history, role boundaries, red flags and risks relating to common paediatric conditions, and communication in paediatric osteopathic practice.
and will include the theory of practical assessments and techniques perspectives- Teacher: Caroline Stone
This brings together aspects of modules 4-5-6.
You will be looking at this throughout the second semester, and this module continuous assessments should be done by the end of the sixth month.
- Teacher: Caroline Stone
This brings together aspects of modules 1-3.
You will be looking at this throughout the first three months, and this module continuous assessments should be done by the end of the third month.
It will focus on
“Considerations for general paediatric osteopathic practice in regard to common conditions oriented around the musculoskeletal system in younger babies”. Includes: Case history, role boundaries, red flags and risks relating to common paediatric conditions, and communication in paediatric osteopathic practice.
and will include the theory of practical assessments and techniques perspectives- Teacher: Zoom Meetings
- Teacher: Caroline Stone
- Teacher: Caroline Stone
This brings together aspects of modules 1-3.
You will be looking at this throughout the first three months, and this module continuous assessments should be done by the end of the third month.
It will focus on
“Considerations for general practice...
and will include the theory of practical assessments and techniques perspectivesThis brings together aspects of modules 1-3.
You will be looking at this throughout the first three months, and this module continuous assessments should be done by the end of the third month.
It will focus on
“Considerations for general practice...
and will include the theory of practical assessments and techniques perspectives- Teacher: Caroline Stone
This brings together aspects of modules 1-3.
You will be looking at this throughout the first three months, and this module continuous assessments should be done by the end of the third month.
It will focus on
“Considerations for general practice...
and will include the theory of practical assessments and techniques perspectives- Teacher: Caroline Stone
- Teacher: Caroline Stone
- Teacher: Caroline Stone
- Teacher: Caroline Stone
- Teacher: Caroline Stone
- Teacher: Zoom Meetings
- Teacher: Caroline Stone
Here is an explanatory video and sneak peek to the content for the paeds series.
- Teacher: Caroline Stone
- Teacher: CarolineStone Administrator
- Teacher: Caroline Stone
- Teacher: Caroline Stone
This module, presented by Caroline Stone, introduces systemic and visceral osteopathy, emphasizing its philosophical approach to healthcare rather than being just a collection of techniques. It aims to educate both emerging osteopaths and other healthcare professionals about osteopathy's holistic view of health. Contrary to common perceptions, osteopathy is not strictly biomechanical but focuses on the body's dynamic functions, self-regulation, and complex interconnections. Systemic osteopathy involves examining the body as a whole, addressing not only physical pain but also other factors like circulation, immune function, and cellular respiration. The practice involves touch and manipulation of the body's tissues, working with the person to enhance self-repair, rather than focusing solely on the site of the symptoms. It integrates principles of emergence, vitality, and homeostasis.
The module covers models of disease, health, and embodied health, and it explores how osteopathy supports patients, even when conventional medical approaches may fall short. The course also highlights osteopathy's role in complementary, supplementary, and sometimes alternative care, encouraging a collaborative dynamic between osteopathic practitioners and patients to navigate health challenges. The module emphasizes the evidence-based and intuitive aspects of osteopathy and its contribution to health systems.
- Teacher: Caroline Stone
This module, introduced by Caroline Stone, is an overview of paediatric osteopathy, designed for osteopaths and other healthcare professionals interested in understanding the osteopathic approach to pediatric care. Stone emphasizes that paediatric osteopathy is not synonymous with cranial osteopathy, a common misconception. While cranial osteopathy is one technique, the practice of paediatric osteopathy involves a holistic approach that integrates the entire body and its systems.
The module covers foundational concepts such as the role of touch in osteopathy, which is more than just superficial; it engages with the body's developmental, sensory, neural, and physiological processes. Osteopaths consider how a child's movement, sensory experiences, and bodily functions are interconnected, supporting the child’s health and development holistically.
The focus is not just on biomechanical elements but on the child’s emerging sense of self, stress regulation, immune development, and emotional and social competence. Each osteopath’s approach is individualized, dependent on the child’s unique developmental stage and sensory experiences, and physiological capacity. Through this lens, osteopathy provides support for children’s growth, learning, and overall well-being.
The module aims to share how osteopathic practice contributes to a multidisciplinary approach to paediatric care, fostering collaboration between osteopaths, children, families, and other healthcare professionals.
- Teacher: Caroline Stone
- Teacher: CarolineStone Administrator